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mandelviews documentation

mandelviews is a package for calculating and visualizing the Mandelbrot set.

There are already many libraries that do this. Here, the focus is not on providing new functionality, but on providing a working instance of a project that follows the suggestions for software projects at the CCN template repo:


Installs on all platforms using pip:

pip install mandelviews

To update to the latest version:

pip install mandelviews --upgrade

Quick start

To get started quickly calculating and visualizing, see the Quick Start Guide.

Usage guide

For more detailed usage notes, including some discussion of the theory behind the algorithms, see the Usage Guide.

API Reference

For the full documentation for each function by category, see the API Reference.

Future directions

  • Add numba and cython implementations of the Mandelbrot set calculation. This will allow for expanded demonstration of how to do tricky things like distribute compiled (cython) code at pip. It also makes the computations much faster.
  • Update the appearance of the docs -- there are some really cool tweaks discussed here.


Code written with support of Flatiron Center for Computational Neuroscience, and the neuroRSE team.